The Local Government Act 1995 requires local governments to make plans for the district. These are referred to as Strategic Community Plans and Council has approved the community plan '"Towards 2031". This Plan for the Shire of West Arthur was developed by consultation and considers key components of the community: the community, the economy, the built environment, our natural environment and the local government. This is a long term Vision for the district for up to 10 years.
Please review the Plan and see what the community told us and how Council plans to take that vision and activate it.
The local government prepares operational plans and budgets to deliver the community plan. These are collated into four year projections referred to as Corporate Business Plans. This is the business plan for the shire and guides the CEO and staff in delivering services and infrastructure that will support the Community Plan. Please review this plan.
Your feedback on either document is welcome. Strategic documents are living documents which means your feedback and the experience of staff and Council will assist in improving these plans and reports to keep the community informed and improve what we deliver.