My COVID-19 Ready Checklist
COVID-19 is now in the WA Community. Now is the time to prepare yourself and your home in case you receive a positive COVID-19 test or become a close contact of a positive case.
If you test positive to COVID-19, you will need to isolate at home until you are told you can leave by the Department of Health.
Use this checklist to prepare:
Assess whether I have suitable accommodation* to isolate in
Pain relief medication and oral rehydration solution
My regular household’s medication
A plan for who can look after my children, pets, or people in my care if I have to go to hospital
Soap and hand sanitiser
Masks and disposable gloves
Tissues and cleaning products
A plan for how I will get food and essentials for up to 2 weeks
Phone numbers for people outside my home who can help me
Stay-at-home activities to keep you entertained
A thermometer & pulse Oximeter (optional) to measure oxygen levels in your blood and heart rate